If we had lived before WWII, what should Christians have done
about Nazism?
Assume we knew or could have known basically what Nazism was like.
we have kept quiet and overlooked it because:
* It
involved political and economic issues and we are concerned about religion?
* It
controlled governments and Christians should not criticize rulers?
Speaking out might lead to persecution?
* It
was mainly a problem in foreign nations, not here (we didn't know any Nazis)?
should we have spoken out to express opposition because:
* It
was based on fundamental religious errors (evolution, racism, atheism)?
* It
rejected Christianity and denied Jesus?
* It
sought world domination by war and military conquest (subjugating millions by
* It
used violence and force to eliminate unwanted citizens (millions in the
Timothy 4:2-4; Ephesians 5:11; Revelation 3:19 - God's word instructs us to
oppose the forces of evil. Surely we all agree that we ought to have reproved
and rebuked a belief based on religious error that forcibly subjugated millions
of people and murdered millions more.
we keep quiet and overlook it because:
* It
involves political and economic issues, and we are concerned about religion?
* It
controls governments, and Christians should not criticize rulers?
Speaking out might lead to persecution?
* It is
mainly a problem in foreign nations, not here (we don't know any Muslims)?
should we speak out to express opposition because:
* It is
based on fundamental religious errors (Muhammed, Quran)?
* It
rejects Christianity and denies Jesus as Son of God and Savior?
* It
seeks world domination by war and military conquest (controlling millions
* It
uses violence and force to make converts?
Timothy 4:2-4; Ephesians 5:11; Revelation 3:19 - Surely we all agree that, when
God instructs us to oppose the forces of evil, we ought to reprove and rebuke
this system based on religious error that has forcibly subjugated millions of
Now what we should do about the problem of Marxism and Communism?
we keep quiet and overlook it because:
* It
involves political and economic issues, and we are concerned about religion?
* It
controls governments, and Christians should not criticize rulers?
Speaking out might lead to persecution?
* It is
mainly a problem in foreign nations, not here (we don't know any Communists)?
should we speak out to express opposition because:
* It is
based on fundamental religious errors (atheism, evolution, immorality)?
* It
rejects Christianity and Jesus?
* It
seeks world domination by war and military conquest? (Communism controls over a
billion people, nearly all of whom were subjugated by means of violent
revolution. Open Communists admit they are enemies of the USA.)
* It
uses violence and murder to eliminate unwanted citizens? (In every Communist
nation, millions of people like you and me have been murdered by Communist
little is said by Christians regarding what our attitude toward Communism
should be. In fact, many members know little about it, yet it is at least as
great a danger as Nazism and Islam.
Timothy 4:2-4; Ephesians 5:11; Revelation 3:19 - Again, God instructs us to
oppose the forces of evil. Should we not speak against this system, based on
religious error, that has forcibly subjugated millions of people and murdered
millions more, like we should Nazism and Islam?
purpose of this study is to inform people about the real views of Communism,
and how it differs from the gospel of Jesus.
is not just about politics and economics. It is a total philosophy that affects
every area of life, including many areas fundamental to Bible teaching. When we
understand Marxism, we will see that it is a conspiracy that works by secrecy
and deceit. It conceals its real goals until a nation is ready for violent
revolution, then it is too late. Meanwhile, many people have been influenced by
Marxist ideas, even without realizing it.
should a Christian do about this philosophy that forcibly dominates a billion
people and deceitfully influences the thinking of millions more? Why shouldn't
we teach against it while we have the opportunity to do so openly? To begin
with, we must learn to understand it.
See the bibliography at the end of this study for the sources we cite. Source
notes in the text consist of a two- or three- digit code followed by a page
I. Marxism and Atheism
Quotations Regarding Marxism
The founders of Marxism
Marx was the primary promoter of the basic theories of modern Communism. Marx
was an atheist before he ever developed his Communistic theories. As a motto
for his doctoral dissertation he chose this quote from Prometheus: "In
simple truth, I harbour hate 'gainst all the Gods" (SC-25). His
dissertation stated that we should "recognize as the highest divinity, the
human self-consciousness itself!" He once planned to publish a Journal of
Atheism but failed for lack of finances (NC-12f).
Engels was probably Marx's greatest personal supporter, and he worked together
with Marx in writing the Communist Manifesto. Engels was also an atheist. He
stated that, as a result of the discovery of laws of the Communism, "the
last vestige of a Creator external to the world is obliterated" (NC-37).
Lenin was the founder of the Communist Party. He led the revolution that
established Communism in Russia, then became the first premier of the Communist
regime. Lenin, who was also an atheist, said: "Our program necessarily includes
the propaganda of atheism" (REL-10). And again: "Every religious
idea, every idea of god, even every flirtation with the idea of God, is
unutterable vileness" (REL-42).
Other Communist statements
Khrushchev, premier of Russia from 1958 to 1964, stated:
Communists ... are atheists ... Public education, the dissemination of
scientific knowledge, and the study of the laws of nature, leave no place for
belief in God ... We consider that belief in God contradicts our Communist
outlook" (BC-13).
again he said: "We remain the atheists that we have always been; we are
doing all we can to liberate those people who are still under the spell of this
religious opiate" (BC-73).
Russian Encyclopedia (1950) lists: "God - a mythical invented being ...
[Communism] is incompatible with belief in God; it arose and developed in an
acute and constant struggle with religion" (BC-12).
"Ten Commandments of Communism," published for the Young Communist
League, says: "If you are not a convinced atheist, you cannot be a good
Communist ... Atheism is indissolubly bound to Communism." (CFF-37).
Communist spy Whittaker Chambers, when asked about Communism, replied by
quoting this statement: "The problem of Communism is not an economic
problem. The problem of Communism is the problem of atheism" (CFF-36).
clearly: Marxism is not primarily about economics or politics. Its views are of
fundamental religious concern. The problem is not just that some Communists are
atheists. The problem is that the doctrine of atheism is fundamental to
Communist belief.
As you
consider our own society, how effective have Marxists and other unbelievers
been in undermining faith in God? Do you see evidence of increasing faith or
loss of faith?
not every unbeliever is a Communist, but who can deny that our society is
moving in the direction that Marxists want it to go? And as people become
weaker in faith, it becomes more likely that Marxists can succeed with their
The Teaching of the Bible
Bible not only affirms the existence of God, it gives objective evidence,
sufficient to satisfy any honest student, that God does exist and that the God
of the Bible is the true God.
God does exist.
1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The Bible claims
in its very first verse, and then throughout its contents, that God does exist.
11:6 - Without faith it is impossible to please God. We must believe that He is
and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Obviously, a person
cannot be an atheist and a believer at the same time. To be a Communist you
must be (or must become) an atheist. To be a Christian you must be a believer.
It follows that one cannot be both a true Communist and a true Christian.
14:1 - The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." So a
Christian, who believes the Bible, must conclude that Communism is foolish.
The Bible provides evidence for God's existence.
14:17 - God did not leave Himself without witness. The Bible does not just
claim that God exists. It also gives witness or evidence for the claim. The
Bible itself proves God's existence, for it is not possible for mere men to
write such a book as the Bible nor for mere men to do the miracles that eyewitnesses
record in the Bible. We will consider this evidence later. But notice some
evidence offered in nature for the existence of God.
1:18-22 - God has made known the evidence for His power and Godhead. That
evidence may be seen in the things that are made, so there is no excuse for
people who do not believe. But people refuse to glorify Him as God or be
thankful to Him. By relying on their own human wisdom, they become foolish.
This surely includes Communism. The proof that God exists, and therefore
Marxism is wrong, may be seen in the universe.
19:1 - The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His
handiwork. There is simply no reasonable explanation for the existence of the
things we see in nature except that there is a Supreme Being, far wiser and
more powerful than we are, who made them.
who examines computers, cameras, automobiles, houses, etc., can know that there
must be intelligent beings who made them. Because we are intelligent beings, we
are able to recognize that these are all the product of intelligence. But the
same is true of the human brain, eye, reproductive system, and our whole bodies
and all living things and the heavenly bodies.
effect must have an adequate cause - an adequate explanation. The only adequate
explanation for the universe is God. Do Marxists have adequate proof that God
does not exist? Do they have an adequate explanation for the existence of the
universe without God? We will see, as our studies progress, that their explanation
is evolution, but that is not an adequate explanation for all we see around us.
Surely the fact that Marxism is fundamentally atheistic is one
reason for us to oppose it.
learn more about the evidence for the existence of God and the Bible as His
word, please study our free articles on that subject on our Bible study web
site at www.gospelway.com/instruct (see the section about God/Deity).
II. Marxism and Evolution
Quotations Regarding Marxism
Quotations from Marxist leaders
In the
preface to the Communist Manifesto, Engels said that the basic theory of Communism
"is destined to do for history what Darwin's theory has done for
biology" (CM-3,4). So, he believed in Darwin's view of evolution just as
he believed in Marx's theory of Communism.
A few
months after Darwin published his Origin of Species, Engels wrote to Marx
saying, "Darwin, whom I am just now reading, is splendid." Later Marx
wrote to Engels about Darwin's book: "... this is the book which contains
the basis in natural history for our view." Shortly afterward, Marx wrote:
"Darwin's book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural
science for the class struggle in history." In fact, Marx wanted to
dedicate his book Das Kapital to Darwin. (All quotes are from Impact, 10/87.)
said: "Darwin put an end to the belief that animal and vegetable species
... were created by God..." (Impact, 10/87).
of Marxism-Leninism states: "Nature ... is in constant process of
development. The laws of that development have not been ordained by God ...
They are intrinsic in nature itself..." (FML-16).
Stalin was secretary general of the Communist Party, and premier of Russia
until 1953. A Communist named Yaroslavsky wrote a biography of Stalin in which
he says: "At a very early age ... Comrade Stalin developed a critical mind
and revolutionary sentiments. He began to read Darwin and became an
atheist." The biography records a boyhood conversation: "'You know,
they are fooling us, there is no God ... I'll lend you a book to read; it will
show you that ... all this talk about God is sheer nonsense,' Joseph said.
"What book is that?" I enquired. 'Darwin. You must read it,' Joseph
impressed on me" (via Impact 10/87; cf. HRQ-53).
the point is not just that some Communist leaders believe in evolution. The
concern is that they view evolution as the basis for atheism and Communism.
Influence of Marxism on our society
As you
consider our own society, how effective have Marxists and other unbelievers
been in promoting evolution? What is taught in our schools: evolution or
creation? Are we surrounding by teaching of creation or by teaching of
November, 2012, "Chicago district of the International Socialist
Organization" conducted the "2012 Midwestern Marxism Conference"
at Northwestern University. (See Chicagosocialists.org.) An observer at the
Marxism Conference noted a significant number of members of the Chicago
teachers' union, who had recently conducted a strike against Chicago schools. A
number of the teachers spoke at the conference or conducted workshops.
others have reported the significant number of Marxist teachers in our
universities and colleges. (See Phyllis Schlafly, 4/10/2009; David A. Noebel,
not every believer in evolution is a Communist, but who can deny that our
society is moving in the direction that Marxists want it to go? And as
evolution becomes more accepted, it becomes more likely that Marxists can
succeed with their goals.
The Teachings of the Bible
God created all forms of life.
1:1; Acts 17:24-28 - The Bible claims that life was created by God. One cannot
accept both the Communist view and the Bible view: it must be one or the other.
the Bible view harmonizes with the scientific truth that life comes from life.
But evolution requires that dead, non-living matter had to somehow
spontaneously produce life. There is no scientific proof for this. Science has
repeatedly disproved spontaneous generation. Yet Communism claims it is
scientific and the Bible is not.
Living things reproduce after their own kind.
1:11,21,24f; Galatians 6:7 - God made living things to reproduce after their
own kind. Living things can adapt to their environment, but they cannot produce
totally different kinds, such that all present kinds came from one or a few
original kinds.
also harmonizes with scientific evidence. Current observations show that living
things reproduce after their kind. Likewise, in the fossil record, we see no
transitional links that are halfway between present kinds, such as would be
frequently found were evolution true.
Man is unique from the animals.
1:26-28 - Man is in the image of God, unique and superior to the animals. The
first human did not develop from animals, but was created directly by God from
the earth (2:7).
observation confirms the differences between men and animals. No animals can
read and write abstract symbols to communicate messages or perform mathematical
calculations. No animals do scientific experiments, invent machines, use fire,
or train animals. No animal creates new forms of beauty nor has an inherent
sense of morals and conscience as man does. All this is easily explained if man
was created in God's image, as the Bible says, but evolution cannot explain why
men are so different from the animals from which we supposedly evolved.
Communism cannot be harmonized with the gospel of Christ. But when schools
teach evolution, they may lead young people to become atheists and then
Communists, as they did with Stalin. What are you doing to prevent this
happening to your children?
Surely the fact that Marxism is based on evolution is one reason
for us to oppose it.
learn more about the evidence for creation as opposed to evolution, please
study our free articles on that subject on our Bible study web site at
III. Marxism and Materialism
Quotations Regarding Marxism
of Marxism-Leninism says: "The indestructible foundation of the whole
edifice of Marxism-Leninism is its philosophy - dialectical and historical
materialism" (FML -21). The book further says:
regards the world such as it actually is, without adding an invented hell or
paradise. It proceeds from the fact that all nature, including man himself,
consists of matter with its different properties ... There are no supernatural
phenomena or forces, nor can be ... The great historic service rendered by
materialist philosophy is that it helped man ... not to fear gods and other
supernatural forces. It teaches us not to hope for happiness beyond the
grave..." (FML-16,23,25).
said: "Our program is based entirely on scientific - to be more precise -
upon a materialistic world conception" (REL-9). He added: "We must
combat religion - this is the ABC of all materialism, and consequently
Marxism" (REL-14).
Tse-tung was chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from 1943 till his death
(and is still revered). He said "there is nothing in the world apart from
matter in motion" (CFF-79).
said: "Marx's philosophical materialism holds ... that the world develops
in accordance with the laws of movement of matter and stands in no need of a
'universal spirit'" (BC-22).
said: "Scientific and atheistic propaganda is an integral part of the
Communist education ..., and has as its aim the dissemination of scientific,
materialistic knowledge among the masses and the liberation of believers from
the influence of religious prejudices" (BC-23).
again, materialism is foundational to Marxism. It teaches that everything is
material. There are no spirit beings, no spiritual side of man that exists
after death. So, there is no life after death, no heaven, no hell. It follows
that no religion that believes in a spirit god can be true.
As you
look at our own society, how effective have Marxists and other unbelievers been
in promoting materialism? Do you see people generally concerned about spiritual
matters or do you see increasing emphasis on possessions, pleasure, and
material things?
not every materialistic person is a Communist, but who can deny that our
society is moving in the direction that Marxists want it to go? And as people
become more materialistic, it becomes more likely that Marxists can succeed
with their goals.
The Teachings of the Bible
The Bible clearly affirms that there are spirit beings, and that
in fact God is spirit.
God and spirit beings do exist.
John 4:24 - God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship
in spirit and truth.
Corinthians 4:16-18 - Man consists of both an outer man (body) and an inner man
(spirit). The things we see (material things) are temporary. There are things we
do not see that yet exist, and these are the eternal things.
Man exists after death as a spirit and will be raised from the
22:23-32 - In Jesus' day the Sadducees held the materialistic view that there
is no such thing as a spiritual part of man (Acts 23:6-10). Like materialists
today, they necessarily denied the concept of resurrection. Jesus disagreed
with their views, and showed that God spoke of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as living
beings even though they had been dead for many years (v32). This could not be
if man is wholly "matter in motion."
16:19-31 - Jesus told of men who were dead, yet were conscious and able to
reason, remember, and communicate. This totally conflicts with materialism.
6:40,44,45; 5:28,29; Acts 24:15 - Jesus and His apostles often affirmed that
all people will be raised from the dead. Resurrection involves the spirit of
man leaving his body at death (James 2:26) and then returning in resurrection.
Materialists say death ends man's existence, and there is no spirit that could
continue to exist or to later return to the body. In affirming the
resurrection, Jesus was flatly contradicting fundamental Marxist doctrine.
The resurrection of Jesus proves our resurrection and disproves
Corinthians 15:1-26 - If, as Marxism says, there is no resurrection, then the
gospel is false, the Christian's faith is worthless and the Christian's hope of
reward after death is a false hope (vv 12-17; cf. 1 Thess. 4:13-18). If Marxism
is true, the gospel of Christ cannot be true. But if the gospel is true, then
Communism cannot be true.
20-26 - How do we know we will be raised from the dead? Because Jesus was
raised! His resurrection is the proof we will be raised.
Vv 1-8
- How do we know Jesus was raised? Because many eyewitnesses testified that
they saw Him alive after His death.
20:24-31; 21:24 - The gospel records the testimony of many eyewitnesses who saw
Jesus alive after His resurrection. This testimony is as valid as any
historical testimony in any courtroom. (Cf. Matt. 27 & 28; Mark 15 &
16; Luke 23 & 24; John 19, 20, & 21; Acts 1 & 9.)
This is
why all materialists vehemently deny Jesus' resurrection. Yet the fact remains
that no Marxist can prove that materialism is true. Which of them can state for
certain that man has no existence after death?
strongest proof that materialism is false is Jesus' resurrection. Someone has
already come back from the dead! This is simple historical proof that
Communists cannot invalidate.
Surely the fact that Marxism is fundamentally materialistic is one
reason for us to oppose it.
IV. Marxism and Opposition to Religion
Quotations regarding Marxism
Statements from Marxist leaders
We have
already cited several quotations that show Communists do not believe in God or
the Bible. They profess to oppose religion because they claim that capitalists
use religion to keep people from accepting and fighting for the Communist
cause. Note the evidence:
Marx was once asked what his objective in life was. He replied: "To
dethrone God and destroy capitalism" (NC-37).
to Lenin: "Marx said 'Religion is the opium of the people' - and this
postulate is the cornerstone of the whole philosophy of Marxism with regard to
religion. Marxism always regarded all modern religions and churches, and every
kind of religious organisation [sic] as instruments of that bourgeois reaction
whose aim is to defend exploitation by stupefying the working-class" (REL-12).
also said: "Marxism is materialism. As such it is ... relentlessly opposed
to religion ... This is beyond doubt ... We must combat religion - this is the
A.B.C. of all materialism, and consequently of Marxism" (REL-14)
said: "The Party cannot be neutral towards religion, and it does conduct
anti-religious propaganda against all and every religious prejudice because it
stands for science, while ... all religion is something opposite to
science" (CFF-164; BC- 12).
said: "Communism has not changed its attitude of opposition to religion.
We are doing everything we can to eliminate the bewitching power of the opium
of religion" (CFF-165f).
Sixth World Congress of the Communist International stated: "One of the
most important tasks of the cultural revolution affecting the wide masses is
the task of systematically and unswervingly combating religion - the opium of
the people" (REL-6).
Communist influence in our own society
As you
view our own society, do you see people who are increasingly concerned about
religion, or are people increasingly indifferent toward religion?
countries where they are not in power, Marxists seek to infiltrate the
institutions of society to undermine Biblical and religious ideas. This
includes infiltrating churches themselves, government, etc.
especially try to influence what is taught to young people. So they seek to
eliminate the Bible and prayer from the schools, while at the same time
encouraging schools to advocate evolution, feminism, homosexuality, abortion,
and other anti-biblical views. How effective have they (and other
liberal-thinking people) have been in the USA?
the following from Phyllis Schlafly Report, 11/2010:
most widely used history textbook in U.S. public schools is A People's History
of the United States by the late Howard Zinn. It has sold a million and a half
copies since it was published in 1980. It is required reading in many high
schools and colleges. This history textbook by Howard Zinn is a very leftwing
version of U.S. history, full of multicultural, feminist, and class-war
propaganda. ... In 2010, the FBI released 400 pages of files on Howard Zinn,
and it turns out that he was an active member of the Communist Party. He ...
attended Communist Party meetings in Brooklyn five nights a week. He was so
important in the Communist Party that he taught a class to his comrades on
"basic Marxism." ... Publicly, Howard Zinn lied and denied his
Communist Party membership, which was the common practice of Communist Party
members in those years. ...His textbook was specifically written to present a
Marxist version of U.S. history based on the Communist strategy of the
"class war."
Multicultural teachings train students to believe all cultures are equal,
including all religions.
Do our schools and society in general show respect for religion or
increasing disrespect?
not every irreligious person is a Communist, but who can deny that our society
is moving in the direction that Marxists want it to go? And as people become
less religious, it becomes more likely that Marxists can succeed with their
Teaching of the Bible
The Bible affirms that it is inspired by God.
Timothy 3:16,17; 1 Corinthians 14:37 - The Bible affirms that it is inspired by
God, that it instructs men in righteousness, that it provides men to all good
works, and that it contains the commandments of the Lord. [Eph. 3:3-5; 2 Pet.
1:21; 1 Thess. 2:13; etc.]
The Bible gives evidence that it is a Divine revelation.
24:25-27,44; Acts 2:22-36; Deuteronomy 18:20-22 - The Bible also gives evidence
that it really is from God. Consider specifically the fact that Jesus and Bible
writers were able to predict the future, and these predictions always came
true. The Bible writers used this as evidence that God exists, that the Bible
writers were from God, and that Jesus is the Son of God.
5:36; 20:26-31; Acts 14:3; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 - The Bible includes eyewitness
testimony that Jesus, His apostles, and other Bible writers performed great
miracles to demonstrate that God approved of their message. These miracles were
so powerful that even enemies of the gospel could not deny them (Acts 4:16;
8:5-13; John 11:47,48; etc.).
other evidence could be presented to confirm that the Bible is from God, that
it is accurate historically, geographically, and scientifically, and that it
does not contradict itself. For further discussion of the evidence for God,
Jesus, and the Bible, see our article on that subject on our Bible Instruction
web site at www.gospelway.com/instruct (see the section about God/Deity).
Since the gospel of Christ is true, Marxism and the gospel are
Corinthians 1:18-25 - People who follow human wisdom consider the gospel to be
foolish. But it is actually the power of God to those who accept it.
Ephesians 5:11 - We must not have fellowship with such works of
darkness, but rather reprove them.
cannot be both a Communist and a Christian for at least two reasons: first
because Communism says you cannot, and second because the gospel of Christ says
you cannot. The two are mutually exclusive.
Surely the fact that Marxism is fundamentally anti-religious is
one reason for us to oppose it.
Corinthians 6:14-18]
Note: The rest of this study discusses Marxism and immorality, abolition
of the family, abolition of private property, corruption and revolution, persecution
and annihilation of non-communists, etc. To see the rest of this article, go to
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