If we had lived before WWII, what should Christians have done
about Nazism?
Assume we knew or could have known basically what Nazism was like.
we have kept quiet and overlooked it because:
* It
involved political and economic issues and we are concerned about religion?
* It
controlled governments and Christians should not criticize rulers?
Speaking out might lead to persecution?
* It
was mainly a problem in foreign nations, not here (we didn't know any Nazis)?
should we have spoken out to express opposition because:
* It
was based on fundamental religious errors (evolution, racism, atheism)?
* It
rejected Christianity and denied Jesus?
* It
sought world domination by war and military conquest (subjugating millions by
* It
used violence and force to eliminate unwanted citizens (millions in the
Timothy 4:2-4; Ephesians 5:11; Revelation 3:19 - God's word instructs us to
oppose the forces of evil. Surely we all agree that we ought to have reproved
and rebuked a belief based on religious error that forcibly subjugated millions
of people and murdered millions more.