"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan" - Prov. 29:2
"...that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness" - 1 Timothy 2:2
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" - Prov. 14:34
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Separation of Religion and ... Everything!


We often hear people speak of "separation of church and state."

Many people think this proves that somehow government should never support or encourage anything religious. More recently, this idea is being used to claim that people's religious views should have no influence on the government.

We can easily document that this was never what the Founding Fathers meant when they wrote the Constitution, but what does God think?

The purpose of this lesson is to consider how religious belief is being systematically excluded from daily life.

The End of Darwinism Part II

The End of Darwinism Part II

by David A. Noebel

Following are the last of 14 arguments posited favoring Darwin's theory of evolution followed by the scientific evidence against each one. The beginning of this article can been found in the August issue at www.schwarzreport.org.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The End of Darwinism - part 1

The End of Darwinism (Part 1)

by David A. Noebel

"The LORD’s works are great, studied by all who delight in them."--Psalm 111:2

"Last week in Nice, France, I was privileged to participate, along with 30 scholars, mostly scientists and mathematicians, in a conference on the question of whether the universe was designed, or at least fine-tuned, to make life, especially intelligent life. . . . It appears the universe is designed for biogenesis and human life" (Dennis Prager, The Washington Times, June 24, 2013, p.30).

The following 13 arguments posited favoring Darwin’s theory of evolution are then followed by the scientific evidence against each one. A finely tuned universe that includes human life is totally contrary to Darwin’s theory of chance, natural selection, and mutation. Dennis Prager is correct--"The evidence for design is so compelling that the only way around it is to suggest that our universe is only one of an infinite number of universes." Only atheists who insist on "science and reason" could accept such an unscientific and irrational view.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

In God We Trust

Quotations from the Founding Fathers about Religion
(Hobby Lobby Ad - 7/4/2013)

[Editorial Note: These quotations document the views of many founding fathers and others showing their respect for religion and morality. We quote it mainly to show that our country was established by men who generally believed that government should respect and encourage morality, decency, religion, and Bible teaching. They would be shocked to observe modern attempts to limit religious freedom or to exclude God or Biblical morality from influencing our laws and officials. (This is the text of an ad placed by Hobby Lobby in many newspapers across the country on the weekend of July 4, 2013. It apparently appeared in various forms. We have attempted to quote it as it appeared in our local paper.) – DP]

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Marxism (Communism) and the Bible


If we had lived before WWII, what should Christians have done about Nazism?

Assume we knew or could have known basically what Nazism was like.

Should we have kept quiet and overlooked it because:

* It involved political and economic issues and we are concerned about religion?

* It controlled governments and Christians should not criticize rulers?

* Speaking out might lead to persecution?

* It was mainly a problem in foreign nations, not here (we didn't know any Nazis)?

Or, should we have spoken out to express opposition because:

* It was based on fundamental religious errors (evolution, racism, atheism)?

* It rejected Christianity and denied Jesus?

* It sought world domination by war and military conquest (subjugating millions by war)?

* It used violence and force to eliminate unwanted citizens (millions in the holocaust)?

2 Timothy 4:2-4; Ephesians 5:11; Revelation 3:19 - God's word instructs us to oppose the forces of evil. Surely we all agree that we ought to have reproved and rebuked a belief based on religious error that forcibly subjugated millions of people and murdered millions more.

Lying and Deceit

Our son Tim's company gave him two free tickets to a Cubs game, so he and I went. A professional photographer asked if we would like to have our picture taken for free. When we agreed, he gave us a card telling us how to access our picture online. But the site required us to pay $20 to get any useable picture. He "took the picture" for free, but he knew people would think they would get a picture for free. He deceived us.

Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things that are an abomination to God, and two of them involve lying: "a lying tongue," and "a false witness that tells lies." God hates a lying tongue!

Days of Creation: Literal Days or Long Ages?

Should we view the "days" of Genesis 1 as long periods to harmonize with evolutionary "science," or are they literal, consecutive days? To weaken the doctrine about the days of creation is to weaken the doctrine of creation itself, which in turn undermines faith in God and the Bible as God's word. (Note that "day" must have the same meaning for each of the "days" of creation.) Here is a brief summary of the evidence in the Bible.

Living Together without Marriage


Increasingly, couples in our society are living together without marriage. Some say marriage is "just a piece of paper," a legal formality. Others have a "trial marriage," saying they want to know if they are compatible before they make a commitment. Others justify sexual relations for those who are just dating as long as they care for one another and have a "meaningful relationship." Still others get married but then have a lover on the side.

Creation vs. Evolution

Note: We accept the Bible, even when it contradicts unproved "scientific" hypotheses, because of the evidence that the Bible is true. These proofs include eyewitness testimony of miracles, fulfilled prophecy, and Jesus' resurrection. For a discussion of these evidences, see the articles on our web site.

The following points are a summary of evidence that evolution can never be harmonized with the Bible.

The Children's Liberation Movement


In recent decades our society has seen the rise of various "liberation" movements, including Women's Liberation, Animal Liberation, etc.

The purpose of this study is to examine the Children's Liberation movement.

This movement is generally promoted by "child advocates" working through various child welfare and social service agencies. These especially include official government agencies, such as child and family services agencies. In particular, a leading force in promoting the movement has been the United Nations, which sponsored the "International Year of the Child" (IYC). (This occurred some time ago, but we will see that the UN is still implementing its goals.)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Animal Rights: Distinction between Men and Animals


Note: This article is part of a series of studies about animal liberation and the Bible. We encourage you to go to see the other articles at

If men and animals are fundamentally the same in nature, then we would expect animals to have the same rights as men. But if men are fundamentally different from animals, then we should expect different rules to apply.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Homosexuality, Gay Liberation, and the Bible

Note carefully: No teaching anywhere on this web site is intended or should ever be construed to justify or to in any way incite or encourage personal vengeance or physical violence against any person.


Homosexuality is as modern as today's newspaper and as old as ancient history. Many ancient Greek leaders, including Socrates and Plato, were apparently homosexuals, as were many Roman emperors. It has been especially common in certain societies. What about our own society?

* Some popular studies claim ten per cent of Americans are homosexual. However, this figure was inflated. A brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by 31 pro-homosexual activist groups in the case of Lawrence v. Texas states: "2.8 percent of the male, and 1.4% of the female, population identify themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual." (Culture Facts, April 4, 2003)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Civil Laws and Morality

It has bothered me for a long time to hear people - even those who profess to be Bible believers - say, "You can't legislate morality." As a result, people have been hesitant to present moral arguments as reasons for the government to pass laws that limit immoral acts.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What same-sex "marriage" has done to Massachusetts

It's far worse than most people realize

by Brian Camenker
October 2008 Updated June 2012
Anyone who thinks that same-sex "marriage" is a benign eccentricity which won't affect the average person should consider what it has done to Massachusetts since 2004. It's become a hammer to force the acceptance and normalization of homosexuality on everyone. The slippery slope is real. New radical demands never cease. What has happened in the last several years is truly frightening.